Would Anyone like to turn 4 spindles for me?


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Established Member
8 Feb 2009
Reaction score
southampton, UK
As part of an ever growing project we want to make a new cabinet to take our TV and all the associated bits. We are very much into Arts and Crafts and mostly have period pieces, strangly though there don't seem to be very many TV units about!
We have found a peice of furniture we like but apart from the price it is in Walnut and we are looking for Oak.
I am looking for 4 legs to be turned simialr to the ones in the photos. They are just too long for my lathe and replacing it is a rabbit hole I daren't even look at. (That and I most certainly haven't mastered beads yet).
The legs would be aprox 40mm square x 700mm long in American White Oak. I am in no desparate rush as I have plenty of other things to build but trying to get all the ducks in a row. Please PM me if yo are interested.


I did think of that Phil, but if possible we would like the transition from square to round. Also My bead turning is not that good so I would need a lot of practice to get 4 legs looking even vaguely similar.
The AWGB website, no need to be a member, has a list of members who accept commissions. They hide it very very well. Expand the Resources tab, member services tab, you will find it. Or maybe a phone call to the secretary of. your nearest woodturning club, AWGB has contact list somewhere on the website.
Thanks Richard, as you say, somewhat hidden!

I have tried a couple of likely sounding people and will see if they are interested.