Record Power planer blade setting jig

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5 Oct 2014
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Sunny Glasgow
Does anyone have a link to a set which can be used with the PT260 ?
As far as im aware the block diameter on the pt260 is 63mm, and all im seeing on jigs via ebay etc is a minimum of 75mm.
I dont know if the 75mm one will do just as well there only being 12mm in it. But I dont want to buy one and then find it wont fit.

If anyone with the pt260 has bought one of these jigs, did you just get any model and found it worked, or did you need to hunt down a specific size ?.

Failing that it's the couple of sticks
I also need new blades, the ones fitted are damn near serrated now, and probably best just getting replacement than trying to resharpen them. Probably be the same money anyhow

Any advice or recommendations in this camp, much appreciated.
I might be ok. I'd mistyped my email into my record power account ages ago and it had saved in(on my computer) which solves the problem as to why i couldnt sign in. I have access now so I'll buy the RP jig, which is specced for the pt260. So all's good now.

I have the PT107, I found that I could not set my blades to give an acceptable result using jigs, sticks or any other method and there are several threads on the issues I had on the forum. The best of the bunch was perspex and magnets.

My solution was to fit a disposable blade system from
Not a cheap option but solved all my issues and the blades are cheaper, I can now change all three blades in just minutes rather than hours but you may have better luck having just two blades too set rather than three.

If you want some good info on the planer thickneser then I brought these video's which helped me in getting to grips with it.
Also how to use
Just as a curve ball I've got a kity 636 and bought a knife setting jig, no matter what I did it just wasn't right, I dread to think how many hours I've lost fiddling with it, I now use a piece of plate glass and a sheet of copier paper, it works a treat, perfectly even knives with no fiddling about.


I have the PT107, I found that I could not set my blades to give an acceptable result using jigs, sticks or any other method and there are several threads on the issues I had on the forum. The best of the bunch was perspex and magnets.

My solution was to fit a disposable blade system from
Not a cheap option but solved all my issues and the blades are cheaper, I can now change all three blades in just minutes rather than hours but you may have better luck having just two blades too set rather than three.

If you want some good info on the planer thickneser then I brought these video's which helped me in getting to grips with it.
Also how to use
Thanks, i'll give them a buzz, see what they suggest. It's a real downside this setting business. I recognized it fromt he start but have little option otherwise.
The first or ideal way to solve a problem is to just remove the problem, only solve a problem that cannot be removed because it can be time consuming without a perfect outcome. The ESTA blade system is good, no issues with it at all except if I had done better homework then I would not have ended up with the problem in the first place because I would have brought a better machine with disposable blades.