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    • Jacob
      Jacob reacted to Phill05's post in the thread Pergola Advice with Like Like.
      What about adding a brace to the uprights? that should counter some of the sag.
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Pergola Advice.
      Bar idea no good even if full length. Cable + tensioner would make more sense. I'd either leave it alone - it's not going to collapse...
    • Jacob
      Jacob reacted to jcassidy's post in the thread Chisel Buying Advice with Like Like.
      £40 for a single chisel!? 😒 Buy them at car boots and places. I buy anything marked 'Sheffield'! As long as there's plenty of steel...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Need to escape/reset.
      Hope you are in a union?
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Chisel Buying Advice.
      :ROFLMAO: You need to get out more! Near enough exactly the same angle is very easy, any fool can do it. Quite the opposite, it's...
    • Jacob
      What, by not having remote switched outside lights? :ROFLMAO: Endless search for zappers, manuals, batteries, charging cables etc etc...
    • Jacob
      I've only just found out how to answer a phone call on my stupid smart phone. Nobody told me you had to swipe a logo and it isn't...
    • Jacob
      Surprise surprise! I'm ahead of the trend, along with Gen Z (whoever she is) and millennials (whatever they are)...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Chisel Buying Advice.
      Agree with the above except for the sharpening. I'd look at down grading instead. :unsure: The secret is to have a fine or medium oil...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Bandsaw Issues?.
      None at all, runs very quietly when not actually sawing. Unless there's a kink in the blade, after a bit of mishandling. Startrite 352...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Woodworm!.
      I'd take pot luck - assume it is an old attack and not do anything. Then keep an eye on it in its new role for a year or more and give...
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Removing a wash hand basin.
      I've done that in the past - helped to have a seal in the form of a 6" ish piece of Karrimat with a hole in the middle to fit the hose...
    • Jacob
      I'd brush off the easy loose stuff and then splash on thinned boiled linseed oil. Then leave them until I want to use them. I'm a bit...
    • Jacob
      Jacob reacted to NickDReed's post in the thread Strange happening with Wow Wow.
      Was it this one? We're not alone!
    • Jacob
      Jacob replied to the thread Strange happening.
      Definitely an alien space craft. We get a lot of them around here.
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