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  1. K


    I don't have a computer, just a tablet and I understand the need that startup should be password protected in case my tablet should fall into the wrong hands, but why do the few websites that I am signed up to require a password to access? The latest is my doctors practice which has gone online...
  2. K

    Hi new to the group my first post of some accoya windows I've made. Any advice on best paint for spraying would be good.

    Since I live on the other side of the world I don't know anything about your paints but I do know some beautifully built window frames when I see them. Truly lovely work.👍
  3. K

    Messerschmitt BF 109-E

    Totally agree on the looks. And they didn't call it the Butcher Bird for nothing.
  4. K

    Messerschmitt BF 109-E

    Thank you for your comments about my skills and which I need to correct. I am a one trick pony and this is all the woodworking I do - just endless variations on the same theme and after 100 models they ought to be turning out ok. In fact after this number and the years spent doing it I do feel...
  5. K

    Messerschmitt BF 109-E

    This model is a gift for my brother-in-law in Holland who with his wife came to visit last February, saw a couple of aeroplanes ready to be couriered off to their respective recipients and decided that an aircraft model was exactly what he needed for his desk at home. Fortunately he has zero...
  6. K

    Any comedy cartoon makers on here?

    Well I'd love to have one - they are a bit rusty but some have had little use. I sold mine some years back when I realised I wasn't all that good at blacksmithing. Regretted it ever since.
  7. K

    Cars - Form over function

    Every now and then I see a guy changing lanes or turning a corner with the wipers going and I think 'yep, there's someone driving his wife's car.' And I've done it myself, changing from my truck (Ford Transit) to the car Peugeot 4008). Why can't vehicle manufacturers all agree on which side to...
  8. K

    AT-6D Harvard

    Here a couple of Harvards or Texans if you prefer the American name. One for a good customer of mine and the other I will keep for a few weeks until such time as either I or the Child Bride get tired of it cluttering up the place whereupon it will be given away to a good home. It's not an...
  9. K

    Remember your first....

    At age 12 or thereabouts I had a morning paper run - around 60 newspapers that we loaded into bags on our bikes and delivered to subscribers around the neighbourhood. Pick up time at the depot was 6am, so still very dark in winter. From our house to the depot was about 2km and down a dead...
  10. K

    The bucket list

    Only 12 feet??? I told you us singlehanders were loonies..
  11. K

    The bucket list

    Well I did say in my original post that ocean sailors back in those times were misfits, dropouts and lunatics, but I'm older and wiser now. But I do wonder, where has our freedom to be a little crazy gone? The world is now full of people dictating what we can and can't do, based on the premise...
  12. K

    The bucket list

    I'm a bit embarrassed to tell you that I don't really know. I bought the boat from a chap in the yacht club for next to nothing because she was only a hair breadth away from being a derelict. The fact that she was named 'Calypso' but known to club members as 'Collapse-o' will provide an...
  13. K

    The bucket list

    Thought I'd chuck this one in - Gabriel's Gully taken from the spot where we camped. A nondescript sort of place but one that's bugged me for decades. Seen it now, time to move on..
  14. K

    The bucket list

    After nearly three months on the road in our little motorhome we have arrived at a remote place called Gabriel's Gully which marks the southernmost point of our journey around NZ. Tomorrow we will alter course back to the north and head for home. I was a mediocre student at school, only doing...
  15. K

    Mystery thing

    Not 100% sure but thought the previous owner was a farmer. In fact that would work in well - NZ farmers are famous/notorious for never throwing anything away and really foster the 'that'll come in handy some day' attitude. Would also explain the 6 empty polypropylene seed bags I found folded and...
  16. K

    Mystery thing

    Identity solved. Entered accommodation radio make and model into Google and it came back with photos, one of which showed exactly the same fascia release key of which I have 20+ pieces. There are online manuals which are very vague with no info as to where the key should be inserted. But that's...
  17. K

    Mystery thing

    A radio fascia release key sounded good. There are two radios in the truck - one in the cab and another in the accommodation. In the years that we have owned the truck we has never switched either on, so had a good look at the both of them and cannot see anywhere that a release key could be...
  18. K

    Mystery thing

    If anyone knows what the item is then I would love to know as well. There are dozens of them tucked away in drawers, cupboards etc in my motorhome. Made of thin steel about 4cm long. Not identifiable by anyone in the motorhome fraternity.
  19. K

    British Sumer Time Note

    I remember years ago an old lady making the news by complaining that she didn't like daylight saving because the extra hour of sunlight was fading her curtains.
  20. K

    Joke Thread 4

    The child bríde and I are coming slowly towards the end of a months long road trip exploring NZ's more remote places, in fact our preference has been for large areas with a population density of way less that one per sq/km. 20km down a dusty gravel road zigzagging its way towards the south...