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  1. BCS1980UK

    Log Cabin Workshop 3.5m x 4.5m

    Thanks @imageel You actually read my mind, I was already searching for a solution just like that.
  2. BCS1980UK

    Log Cabin Workshop 3.5m x 4.5m

    Internal electrical installation done. Loving the workbench setup with the working lights: Still lots to do on shop organisation, though.
  3. BCS1980UK

    Finish advice for walnut guitar amp head

    On the theme of walnut finishes and musical instruments, like many others I opted for Tru-Oil applied with wet and dry sandpaper and achieved a very good result (in my opinion): It is a very tedious (or therapeutic) process. In my case 20+ coats. You can get it to a very shiny finish if you...
  4. BCS1980UK

    Log Cabin Workshop 3.5m x 4.5m

    I just want to give a shout out to @Steve Maskery great video on setting up the Kity P/T. Found it by chance and was happy to see that you are a member of this forum too. Thank you for such a clear and informative video.
  5. BCS1980UK

    Log Cabin Workshop 3.5m x 4.5m

    The electrician has not come yet (:mad:) and I am avoiding bringing all the stuff from the shed inside the workshop to make his life easier. However, I couldn't help myself and jumped into an opportunity (or a trap?): It even matches the workshop outside color! :D Now, I need to find a...
  6. BCS1980UK

    Sold Chip collector

    PM sent
  7. BCS1980UK

    Log Cabin Workshop 3.5m x 4.5m

    Finally, some colour!
  8. BCS1980UK

    Log Cabin Workshop 3.5m x 4.5m

    It is slowly starting to look like a workshop…
  9. BCS1980UK

    Log Cabin Workshop 3.5m x 4.5m

    I understand you. I had the same understanding until someone explained to me and pointed me on the right direction. The regulations are not as clear as they could/should be.
  10. BCS1980UK

    Log Cabin Workshop 3.5m x 4.5m

    From the planning portal: “If the outbuilding is within 2 metres of the property boundary the whole building should not exceed 2.5 metres in height.”
  11. BCS1980UK

    Log Cabin Workshop 3.5m x 4.5m

    The floor is almost finished.
  12. BCS1980UK

    Log Cabin Workshop 3.5m x 4.5m

    Now that my roof is done I measured the height and I am exactly at 2.5m. It was odd to measure as the highest point of the ground was at a corner of the building but the highest point of the building is at its apex. Now, if my neighbour measures from his side, the building will look definitely...
  13. BCS1980UK

    Log Cabin Workshop 3.5m x 4.5m

    I managed to do the rest of the roof work today just in time for the rain. I still have the trimmings and fascias to finish, but at least now if SWMBO kicks me out of bed I have a dry place to sleep.
  14. BCS1980UK

    How to enthuse a 4 year old

    My twin daughters will be 2 this August. The toys that me and SWMBO buy (mostly second hand) are always something "crafty" like soft building blocks or puzzles, or a set of wooden tools. When I cook for them I make a point to show them how I am doing stuff, like cracking an egg in front of them...
  15. BCS1980UK

    Log Cabin Workshop 3.5m x 4.5m

    Thanks for the recommendation, Brian. I had a look at the synopsis and will add the book to my list. It is funny, I learned American English back in Brazil so many years ago and now I live in England, my wife is Scottish and I work in a global engineering company (over 55k employees) where I...
  16. BCS1980UK

    Log Cabin Workshop 3.5m x 4.5m

    Hahahaha In my defense, English is not my native language.
  17. BCS1980UK

    Log Cabin Workshop 3.5m x 4.5m

    I have managed to finish the roof insulation on Tuesday. Then I had to wrap up the whole workshop and and go back to my office work. I will continue over the weekend and bank holiday. After yesterday's storm I went to check the wrapping up today and was relieved to confirm everything is still...
  18. BCS1980UK

    Sold Various Items For Sale 1/2

    PM sent