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  1. B

    What kind of woodworker are you?

    Wisdom is knowing when you’re replying to a two year old thread. 😃
  2. B

    Chisel Buying Advice

    I’ve had a set of the Aldi/Lidl ones Paul Sellers used to recommend for going on 10 years now. I wonder if they still sell them.
  3. B

    Machinery wheels? Casters

    Rutland’s have a mobile machine base set on their daily deals today. £40, rated at 181kg. Considering buying a couple although it’d be stands for my bandsaw, pillar drill, and possibly a fly press, all of which probably come in at 50kg+ each. I know Rutland’s get mixed reviews so I’m inclined...
  4. B

    Sold Rutlands Drill Guide

    Barely used. Dusty because it lives next to my lathe. £15 plus postage which I’ll probably do at a flat rate of £2, or I can drop it off within reasonable distance of North Merseyside/Preston. Possibly Manchester city centre as I’m there usually once or twice a week. I’ll probably put it up...
  5. B

    Attaching 12mm pipe at right angles.

    Like I said, it’s for the challenge as much as anything. I like the idea of figuring out and then having something I’ve made in the house for everyday use. It does seem much more complicated than it seems on the surface though. I’ll get an annular cutter then have a bash at making another...
  6. B

    Attaching 12mm pipe at right angles.

    Interesting cheers. Are these suitable for a drill press or do they need an adaptor?
  7. B

    Attaching 12mm pipe at right angles.

    Hi, I’m making cupboard handles for my kitchen. The ones we currently have are unusual sizes so the ones we want to replace them with don’t fit. I also just like the challenge of making my own for (almost) free rather than paying a few hundred quid when I have the materials lying around at...
  8. B

    Rutlands Warning!

    Well apparently they’ve got the floor manager for the bedding department at a regional JL store handling the Chinese factories so I’m not surprised somethings gone wrong.
  9. B

    Other uses - Angle grinder.

    This guy gets suggested to me quite a lot. He’s done very similar things with a circular saw for example. His whole workshop seems to be basic power tools enhanced with clever jigs. Some more dangerous than others.
  10. B

    Rutlands Warning!

    I’ve bought a few of their factory specials and a few things not on factory special. Everything has arrived in the same non-descript brown corrugated cardboard so I suspect it’s all bullshit. I’m always suspicious of Rutland’s. The fact they only publish 5 star reviews is worrying. It’s also...
  11. B

    Tormke t-4 vs 'other makes'?

    I was looking at some of the record power equivalents and the reviews aren’t good. Water pooling on top and potentially getting in the electrics seems like a big design flaw. Some cheap and nasty plastic components. I’m going to modify a cheap bench grinder to turn it in to a belt grinder...
  12. B

    Retirement workshop - which machines to buy?

    Dust extraction is important I think. I’m about to spend a small fortune on extraction because the thought of dealing with dust with the Henry stops me actually getting in to the workshop and making things. I’m hoping once dust is handled that will remove some of the stress.
  13. B

    Wanted Bench Mounted Pillar Drill North Merseyside Area

    I’m after a bench pillar drill in the North Merseyside area. Ideally looking for one of the bomb proof old cast iron types that come up cheap every so often. Something that will handle wood and metal. Transport is limited at the moment so limited how far I can go to pick it up. Close as...
  14. B

    My 12m2 workshop

    Fold down is a good idea. I have a very small workshop at about 10ft by 8ft with a lot of windows so not much wall space and hadn’t considered fold down so that’s on the list now. Maybe for a small welding table.
  15. B

    Sourcing wood for turning

    You could try PB Hardwood is in Kirkby. They mainly do boards and slabs but if you ring up or pop down they might have some bits and pieces. The owners are a good bunch. Just leave some for me.